Let me begin again.
This gallery essentially underscores my whole goal with Hungry Ghost - to capture the beauty in the everyday. The little moments, the offbeat ones. The oddities and utterly normal. The ordinary extraordinary. These are the things that make a life and to me, are just as deserving of preservation as the grand ones. I recruited my own kids for this and snapped them after school one cold afternoon in our old home in Indianapolis. My daughter hadn’t yet changed out of her school uniform, and my son was sporting a tie dyed shirt - his favorite - that he’d make in school “all by himself.”
While my son was hesitant at first, he warmed up to the whole notion of being “a model,” as my daughter informed him, and I’m so thankful that I picked up my camera and had them strike all the poses.
These are the things I want to remember, because this is us. This is them. This is real life - uncontrived, take-it-as-it-is, silly, and imperfectly perfect.