Charleston Family Lifestyle Session
This was a session that I’d looked forward to as soon as Amber’s initial email came through - sweet little girls, Mom and Dad, and an aimless wander through the enchanting streets of downtown Charleston. My kind of shoot.
Mother Nature did throw a couple of curveballs, though, as she tends do to. Misting rain, grey clouds, and some gusty winds crept into the shoot for a while, but I swear we were better for it. The girls said that there were fairies hidden all over the city, if you just knew where to look - and especially inside all of the raindrops. That one was new to me, and I filed it away to share with my own kids.
I think that’s the best part of a shoot experience for me - the small odds and ends of the whole occasion that stick with you when it’s all over. For me, these sweet girls and the way the infused magic into a simple, unassuming Charleston morning will stay with me.
So, we skipped over puddles, looked for dolphins out in the harbor, peered through iron gates into labyrinthine mazes of perfectly manicured hedge rows, did cart wheels (Mom too!), and of course, we kept a lookout for fairies all the while.
So happy to have made these new friends, and to get the privilege of following them around the streets South of Broad for a while.